Co-Parenting [Facilitator's Bundle]
- (1) 24:7 Dad® A.M. Facilitator's Manual with Program Guide
- (1) 24:7 Dad® A.M. Fathering Handbooks
- (1) Understanding Dad™ Facilitator's Manual
- (1) Understanding Dad™ Mother's Handbooks
- Access to Supporting Materials for each program (download)
- 1 of 1 Mom as Gateway™ Booster Session
These two programs create a POWERFUL way to address the knowledge and skills both parents need to successfully co-parent.
Improving co-parenting is one of the primary concerns of staff who serve dads, moms, and families.
This bundle allows you to deliver the evidence-based 24:7 Dad® A.M. to dads, and at the same time, deliver Understanding Dad™ with Mom as Gateway™ Booster Session to moms over 12 sessions. Dads and moms meet in separate groups to learn skills to successfully co-parent.
Program Length
24:7 Dad® A.M. - 12 core sessions + 1 optional introductory session
Understanding Dad™ - 8 sessions at approximately 2 hours each
Booster Session™: Mom as Gateway™ - 3, 1-hour sessions
Program Delivery Options
Group setting, delivered by a facilitator. Dads and moms meet in separate groups. Can be modified for one-on-one delivery (e.g. by a case manager).
- Program Guide in Facilitator's Manuals provides background, philosophy, and all necessary facilitator information to run the programs successfully.
- Public webinar training is available for 24:7 Dad, view the schedule here.
- Custom webinar training and in-person training is available for both programs. Learn more here.
Topics Covered in the Programs
Studies: 24:7 Dad® & Co-Parenting
Two recent studies confirm the impact 24/7 Dad® has on dads around co-parenting:
- A one year study by Auburn University and the University of Maryland assessed 20 fatherhood programs in AL using 24:7 Dad® and observed significant, lasting enhancements in co-parenting relationships, father involvement, and parenting practices.
- A UT Austin study found the 24:7 Dad® program enhances dads' co-parenting skills and relationships with children and moms, reducing child neglect and abuse risks.
Studies: Understanding Dad™ & Co-Parenting
Two published peer-reviewed papers of Understanding Dad™ show the impact of the program on mothers’ perceptions of their co-parenting relationships:
- A Temple University study across five U.S. sites found the program significantly improved moms' understanding of co-parenting dynamics, including communication issues and healthy relationship strategies.
- A second Temple University + Center for Policy Research study found significant improvements in moms' co-parenting confidence and fewer conflicts with dads, alongside a decrease in maternal gatekeeping, enhancing dads' relationships with their children.
The 24:7 Dad® A.M. Facilitator's Kit includes a robust collection of printed and downloadable support resources, giving you the tools and confidence to run the program successfully and with fidelity.
- (1) Understanding Dad™ Facilitator's Manual with Program Guide
- (1) Understanding Dad™ Fathering Handbook for facilitator reference
- (1) Mom as Gateway™ Booster Session
- (1) 24:7 Dad® A.M. Facilitator's Manual with Program Guide
- (1) 24:7 Dad® A.M. Fathering Handbook for facilitator reference
- Essential Program Support Resources via Download:
- Marketing Flyers/Posters and Marketing Postcards (5 designs each) and Press Release Template
- Fidelity Guide and Fidelity Checklist
- Optional introductory 24:7 Dad® session
- 16 videos to accompany the 24:7 Dad® sessions
- 24:7 Dad® and Understanding Dad™ Certificates of Completion (English and Spanish)
- 24:7 Dad® and Understanding Dad™ survey and scoring instructions (English and Spanish)
- 24:7 Dad® reminder cards and pledge cards (English and Spanish)
- My 24:7 Dad® Checklist (English and Spanish)
- 24:7 Dad® Plan Worksheets for Dads (English and Spanish):
- Anger Management Plan
- Family Ties Plan
- Fun With Kids Plan
- Involvement Plan
- Work-Family Balance Plan
- Workout Plan
And that's not all—NFI is here to support your program with free technical assistance for life! 24:7 Dad® Facilitators receive EXCLUSIVE access to:
- NFI's Facilitating Fatherhood Onboarding Support Series
- Quarterly Facilitator Support meetings
- Free technical assistance forever from NFI's Program Success Director and other NFI staff
We know it's very helpful to view a sample of a curriculum before purchasing to get a feel for the content, topics, layout, logic, and more.
Click this link to Access a 24:7 Dad® A.M. Sample file
Click this link to Access an Understanding Dad™ Sample file

Here's what you will find in each free
sample file:
- Curriculum Table of Contents
- Logic Model
- Facilitator's Manual Session 1
- Fathering Handbook Session 1
24:7 Dad® was found to be an evidence-based program by The University of Hawaii.
Click here to download the University of Hawaii Study.
The Child and Family Research Partnership (CFRP) at the University of Texas at Austin
found that the program leads to highly significant increases in four of the five protective
factors shown to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.
You can also visit our 24:7 Dad® evaluations page to view more studies and evaluations.

Temple University Evaluation Report:
Pilot Study of a Program to Increase Mothers’ Understanding of Dads
Click here to download the Temple University Study.
Understanding Dad™ is intended to assist mothers to be more knowledgeable, aware, confident, and skillful at engaging in coparenting relationships with their child’s father. This pilot study showed participation of a small group of mothers in the program was associated with improved knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy, although the lack of a control group means that the impact of the intervention cannot be determined. The findings are also consistent with the idea that coparenting interventions may be effective when only one parent, and not both parents, attend the program.
A version of this evaluation report was accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal: Fagan, J., Cherson, M., Brown, C., & Vecere, E. (2015). Pilot program to increase mother’s understanding of dads. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12137.