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Brochures allow you to dive into specific topics of interest with dads. Use them as a tool to guide a meaningful conversation with a dad, hand them out at events to promote your father friendliness, or make them available in your center's waiting area.
Guides for moms and dads allow them to go deeper on topics that matter around father involvement for new dads, child development, coparenting, and more! Add them to new client folders or use them to guide conversations on these important topics.
Handbooks are a key component of our programs for dads and moms. Handbooks reinforce learning and allow parents to reflect on what they learned during the sessions. Many available in English and Spanish!
Create a more father inclusive space with posters showing images of dads and kids! Posters also help to remind staff to include dads in their family service work. Make your center more father friendly with messages that matter.
Tip Cards
Tip Cards are an easy way to communicate important father involvement topics to dads and moms. They are a budget-friendly way to spread the word about dads' importance and encourage parents to work together for the benfit of their children.